June 1, 2017. About the Goose, The Final Chapter. This, our final day in Door County, was like many other days here. It included biking, walking, reading in the puffy chairs and a late evening stroll along the shore where the solitary goose normally can be found.
The pictures tell the story of our final day. While biking we saw a brown patch across the marsh on the other side of the road. I zoomed in with my camera and saw a deer. I took several more pictures and zoomed in closer. The deer looked at me, but didn't move. Deer have very poor eyesight, but excellent hearing. If I remained motionless, he would not become alarmed. So I did. And he posed for me as long as I wanted. I was pretty proud of myself.
Then, tonight, I loaded the pictures on the laptop and noticed that the deer wasn't posing for me. She was standing perfectly still while her newborn fawn nursed. Did you see the fawn? Look again. I was less proud of myself, but more proud of my camera.
Sunset tonight was very nice. I caught some kayakers between me and the setting sun. I caught a nice view of the setting sun over the lake from the shore. And, I caught a party boat going out for an evening on the lake. As it moved further from the shore the sounds of group singing faded.
Now, about the goose. I hoped against hope that he would gain his new flight wings and fly away to find his new mate. I am a pretty realistic guy and I suppose that I never really expected that to happen. I thought we'd drive off in the morning and goose would still be alone on the protected cove where we've observed him these past three weeks.
Then, late today, as we were watching the sun get larger and lower, a gull circled the goose. The gull dropped its beak diving into the water next to our friend, goose. And, they preened their feathers together in the fading light of the setting sun. Our friend the goose has another friend, the gull, That's right, he has a new gull-friend.
Tomorrow we will take our leave believing the lone goose is lonely no more. It is a nice thought isn't it.