Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 19, 2013. The Hijacking of a Blog


January 19, 2013. A Game for Grandchildren.  We are still in Saint Andrews State Park.  Today was much like yesterday and today's pictures look a lot like yesterday's.  So, Teacher Annie decided we would take unique pictures of objects and challenge the grandchildren to identify the object depicted.  Parents, call your children to the computer and ask if they know what each of the pictures shown above depict.  Answers are at the end of today's entry.

I had some pretty good photos that I intended to use.  There is one of of an eight-point buck in the sand shrubs.  There's another of a capsized sailboat.  There are some neat beach pictures and another of a man paddling a paddle board across the emerald Gulf waters.  And there are five more photos of does in the forest.  I was going to use those tonight.  But, noooooo . . . Teacher Annie decided we would play a game with the grandchildren.  So, if you don't enjoy the game and wonder what you missed, ask Annie.  The is the day the blog got hijacked by someone with teaching in her blood. 

She was so determined that today was the day of the game that she could not hear me suggesting some of the other photos were priceless.  I explained that you were looking forward to seeing what we see.  I played to her affection for art.  "Look at these white beaches contrasted with the green water.  Isn't that beautiful?" 

I might as well have argued with a burnt stump.  Each time I paused for a reaction, she pointed out another object for me to photograph.  She ultimately overbore my will.  She's like that.  She will chip away at a mountain of granite until she reshapes it into the image she wants.  I know.  I used to be a granite mountain.

Here are the objects: 1) A fish net being cast off a pier.  2)  Marshmallow melted on a Flipsides cracker.  3)  A squirrel dashing across the road.  4)  The pedals on a pine cone.  5)  Palm tree bark.  6)  Park rangers regularly burn areas within the park to simulate natural events;  this is one such burn area.  7)  Cable lock for bicycle.  8)  Fire ring grate.  9)  Picnic table with "Lawton, OK" carved in the top.  10)  A lemon drop.

So, kids, how'd you do?  If anyone identifies all ten objects, Annie said she will give you a five-dollar bill.  If no one gets all of them correct, the one who correctly identifies the greatest number gets the fiver.  Let Annie know and collect your cash.  Tee-hee.

Jens, you can't play. 


ct said...

How specific do you require answers to be? For example, is "cracker" close enough to "Flipside cracker"? If you're counting loose answers, I got 7. My kids aren't home tonight, but I'll have them look tomorrow.

ct said...

LT eventually got ten right...with a little prodding and help. Matt got the grill right for her. Probably about 6-7 without help, but she wants me to make clear that she would have gotten most of the answers if we had just let her keep going.

ct said...

The joint Paige/Elizabeth effort yielded 6. Elizabeth got the fire grate. But they also guessed "ear wax" for the lemon drop.