Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, June 1, 2018

June 1, 2018. Quiz Results and Beach Pictures.

June 1, 2018. Quiz Results and Beach Pictures.  The results of the quiz are in.  The Cobbles and Tourtillotts correctly identified the date of each of the cutouts from pictures appearing in the blog.  The Thurmonds have been traveling, so I have extended the deadline for them.  I am pretty sure that each set of grandchildren will win first place money.  I am not surprised.  They are the smartest and best-looking kids in the universe.  Congratulations to all.

Today's pictures were taken on the East Beach here on Saint Simons Island.  It is hard to get a lot of variety.  Annie won't allow me to publish pictures of bikini-clad beach goers.  She scans the photographs with a magnifying glass to be sure there are none in the background.  I think that violates my First Amendment Rights, don't you.  She says it has nothing to do with my rights.  She says it's about her right not to be associated with a nut job.  I say, yes dear, you are right.

There is a picture of a young woman lying on her belly taking a picture of a potato chip wrapper with the sea in the background.  I was tempted to ask why.  But, I just concluded that maybe she is one of those avant garde photographers.  Maybe she was trying to illustrate the horror of trash on the seashore.  And, maybe she was just trying out the camera feature on her new phone.

We have a couple more days here before starting home on Monday.  I will do one more blog before we leave.  That will be it for this trip.  We don't have plans for a fall trip yet.  Annie keeps saying how pretty home is in the fall.  Who knows, we may just travel within a several-hundred mile radius of the midwest.



BJ said...

I am pretty sure someone who loves your little traveler hearts got you guys a book of road trips a day's drive from home. Maybe it is time to try it out!!

Unknown said...

Those poor women! I sure hope there’s no picture of me on a random person’s blog floating around out there! And, thank you, Annie, for editing the bikini clads. Wouldn’t want my boys analyzing those up close for the blog contest 😂