Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, December 29, 2017

December 29, 2017. Villa Jasmin, Cape Coral, FL.


December 29, 2017.  Villa Jasmin, Cape Coral, FL.  We are here, 1400 miles from home.  Cape Coral is across the Caloosahatchee River (don't  ask me to pronounce it - it sounds like an Alan Jackson song title to me) from Fort Myers.  We are staying in a home owned by a couple from Germany.  They call it Villa Jasmin.  It is a nice three bedroom villa with a pool.  The lanai screen over the pool was carried off by the winds of hurricane Irma.  The owner has scheduled a replacement but that won't happen while we are here.

The water in the pool was very cold.  I know.  I put on my swimsuit and waded in.  When the water was up to my waist, I decided I would wait until the villa manager showed us how to turn on the pool heater.  With age comes wisdom.

After unloading the car, we went to the nearest grocery store and laid up supplies for the next thirty days.  Annie says it is the most food she has bought in twenty years.  Good.  I am a positive influence on her.  She needs to hang out with me more often.

We are discussing our options for tomorrow.  We talked about going over to Sanibel Island.  However, tomorrow is the beginning of a holiday weekend.  The island may be overrun with holiday tourists.  As of this moment, we aren't sure what we will do, maybe nothing.  That's what vacations are for, isn't it?  I'll let you know.



BJ said...

Way down yonder on the Caloosahatchee.....

Hope you got some stuff to try out the insta-pot!!

Two Chicks Moving said...

Nice information thanks for sharing cape coral moving companies are the way forward in the future when time is of the essence. or years we have been working in the services industry.