Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 31, 2017. Happy 2018!


December 31, 2017.  Happy 2018!  So, it is the last day of 2017.  The years go by fast, don't they.  And, the older we get, the faster they go by.  I don't like that.  Why don't they go by faster when we are young and looking forward to Christmas?  Why don't they go faster when we have a lot of them ahead of us.  When we get older, time should slow down.  Old people don't have a lot of years to waste.  Sorry, it is just one of those things I don't understand.

We biked the neighborhood yesterday and walked it today.  We have yet to venture out in the car other than going to the grocery store.  We decided to postpone our trip to Sanibel until the holiday travelers have returned home.  We don't like crowds, you know.

The pictures: another picture of our villa, ibises on a power line, a lone ibis on the same line, view of palm trees, yard ornament, odd photo of the nativity where the wise men are wearing Santa suits, the canal behind the villa with boaters enjoying the 72 degree temperature.

Before you become too envious, the weather dude says it will be colder here next week with daytime temperatures in the 60s and into the 40s overnight.  I know, that probably sounds pretty good to those of you back home.  But, we've come a long way for warm weather.  I guess we'll just have to bundle up.

Happy New Year.  Goodnight. 


BJ said...

It's so cold here, I bet your birds are frozen solid!! You better ride out the "cold" front there. I think you'll like it better than you would here!

Unknown said...

From your posts, this year's winter sojorn looks to be the 'best ever'. Enjoy