Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Saturday, January 27, 2018

January 27, 2018. Quiz Results and Ibises Return to Say Goodbye.

January 27, 2018.  Quiz Results and Ibises Return to Say Goodbye.  The quiz results are in and we have a winner.  Actually, we have seven winners.  Each of the three families of grandchildren correctly identified the source of all ten cutout photos displayed in the quiz.  That means that all seven grandchildren win money.  Annie is pretty good about awarding the cash rewards, but if we forget, please remind us.

We spent several hours today cleaning Villa Jazmin.  It has tile floors which show each speck of dirt and each crumb.  We swept, vacuumed, wet-mopped, did dishes and washed towels.  The rental fee includes a modest amount to clean the unit after we leave.  Still, Annie doesn't want the cleaning staff to think we are slobs.  She is the kind of woman who would spend hours cleaning before the housekeeper came.  I love that girl.

As we cleaned, scores of ibises flew over the house and landed between the pool and the canal.  They appeared suddenly, fixed their wings and settled onto the lawn.  It was as though a puffy white cloud blew over the house.  At one time, there were 106 ibises behind the villa.  They disappeared as quickly and as mysteriously as they arrived.  Nice of them, don't you think?

So, this stay ends tomorrow.  We will leave here before sunrise and hope to spend tomorrow night somewhere around Atlanta.  We might stay south of Atlanta, then leave early Monday morning, before the morning rush hour.  Who knows.  One of the fun things about the way we travel is the freewheeling nature of it.

This blog will close out this trip.  We'll be back on the road in May-June.  At the moment, we don't have a destination.  Chances are that it will be somewhere north of home, maybe Minnesota, Wisconsin and/or Michigan.  We might venture into Canada again.  You know that I speak Canadian, eh?  Until next time, goodnight and goodbye.

1 comment:

Dogfather said...

Following more than three hours of contentious testimony from the public, Door County, Wisconsin’s Resource Planning Committee voted to recommend a permit for a new 130-site RV park. Residents had an opportunity to air pros and cons – and did so vehemently. In an area where economic downturn has taken its toll, the potential of adding $2 to $3 million to the area tax base is big. On the other hand, nearby property owners fret over lowered property values. Now with the blessing of the planning committee, it’s up to county commissioners to sort it all out.

I know how you love Door County. Time to pull Harvey off the sales floor.