Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Thursday, January 4, 2018

January 4, 2018. Lunch, Courtesy of My Coworkers.

January 4, 2018.  Lunch, Courtesy of My Coworkers.  The nice people I work with knew that we were coming to this area. They went online and purchased a gift certificate for use at Connors Steak and Seafood restaurant.  Yesterday, Annie needed something for the house so we went to Bed Bath and Beyond.  The store was near Connors, so we had a late lunch there.  The food was delicious.  I had steak and Annie had shrimp and salmon.  To my generous friends back home, thank you.  There's nothing like a shopping trip complimented by a great meal.

We walked the neighborhood again today.  We passed a house with shuttered windows and doors.  I assume the shutters were to protect the interior from hurricane winds.  I suppose the owners live elsewhere and shutter the house when they are at their other residence.  We are in a low crime area, so I doubt the shutters were to protect the interior from burglars.

We passed another home with a landscaped area in front.  Annie, who else, pointed out two alligators hiding in the greenery.  Of course, they were ceramic or plaster or some other man-made material.  That Annie sure knows how to spot her gators.

The weather is still too cool for beachcombing.  Warmer temperatures are predicted for Sunday or Monday.  Perhaps we'll save our beach walks for then.


1 comment:

BJ said...

Tell Annie that those gators would have made me stop in my tracks, too!