Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019, Final Post, "I Like Pig Butts and I Cannot Lie."

May 31, 2019, Final Post, "I Like Pig Butts and I Cannot Lie."  Our stay along the Gulf coast has ended.  We start home in the morning.  We will have dinner with my brother and Kathy Sunday evening.  We will have lunch with Bill and Marie Monday.  Aside from those two major events, we hope for an uneventful trip home.  The rivers are out between here and home, so we really don't know what to expect.  But, I think we will be okay.  Our car has tires filled with air, so it should float.   

I have included a collage of pictures taken over the last three days.  We have biked along busy Highway 90.  We were between the highway and the beach.  Near the end of the bike ride, we had lunch at Slap Ya Mamma's, a campy BBQ restaurant on the beach.  The beach fell short of compensating for the noisy traffic on the highway.  We walked the same route yesterday, only we didn't go as far as we did on the bikes.  On the way home, we stopped at the Treasure Bay Casino and Hotel.  The only money we lost was at the all-you-can-eat buffet.  Well, actually the casino lost money.  the receptionist took one look at me and offered me $20 to go next door to the Waffle House to eat.  I declined and I am pretty sure I did some damage to the casino's bottom line.  

And, no, we did not wager.  Annie - despite what I said in an earlier post - and I are not enthusiastic gamblers.  I like to wager on sure things, like the buffet,  The buffet didn't have a chance when stacked against my gluttony. I don't like to bet when the odds are stacked against me.  That's how casinos stay in business, you know.  If you bet 100 times, the casino is going to win the majority of those bets.  That's just the way it's set up.  

Back to Slap Ya Mamma's, the lunch we had was good, but didn't compare to the BBQ we have back home.  The servers did wear some attention grabbing shirts.  One bore the slogan, "Butts, Butts and More Butts."  Another said, "I love pig butts and I cannot lie."  That, of course, was a take off on the song performed by Ross and Rachel in one of the Friends TV episodes back in the 1990s.  

So, we'll leave in the morning.  This has been one of our most relaxing trips.  One event a day was sufficient.  We've had trips where we went home to catch up on our rest.  Not this time.  We've read, watched cable news - something new every day, sometimes two or three new things each day - sat on our patio, walked, biked and ate.  The eating part was my personal favorite.  We like to eat foods indigenous to the area.  So, we ate a lot of seafood.  I am seafooded out for a while.  

We don't know what we will do in the fall.  Last year, we stayed in the state and saw as much color as we have in New England.  In any event. as we finish this one, I'd like to thank you for dropping in from time to time.  While I do this for Annie and me - otherwise, we'd forget where we were on seasonal trips - I also do them so you can keep up with us, a feat that challenges no one.  Until the next time.



BJ said...

I look forward to your postings, as always. Tell O and K hi for me! I miss them! And of course Bill and Marie, too. You have a fun trip home planned!

Also, do you know that Ross and Rachel didn’t just make up that song? It was a rap song from the early 90s. I don’t recommend looking it up. 😬

Looking forward to having you back!

Fred said...

Always enjoy your pictures and narrative.