Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Saturday, May 12, 2018

May 12, 2018. Headed Southeast Again. Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

May 12, 2018.  Headed Southeast Again.  Fort Campbell, Kentucky.  Our destination is Saint Simons Island, GA.  The total distance is a little over 1100 miles.  We have made the front end of this drive several times, most recently, last December.  The route takes us through Atlanta.  Atlanta was a challenge in December.  This time, we will be passing through on a Sunday, so maybe the traffic won't be as bad.  Instead of going directly south from Atlanta, as we did in December, we will angle southeast to the southern coast of Georgia.

Saint Simons Island is just north of Jekyll Island.  The girls will remember Jekyll from our trip to Disney World in the mid-1980s.  We had dinner in Savannah, GA, then drove to Jekyll, arriving after dark.  The girls rushed down to the beach from our motel room and waded in the Atlantic.  The next morning, before we departed, they returned to the beach and did cartwheels in the sand.  They will recall the trees near the beach were bent landward from the constant wind coming off the ocean.

We haven't been to Saint Simons before.  We have passed by several times, but haven't stopped.  Over the years, we have returned to Jekyll twice.  We have also stayed on Amelia Island.  Only 60 miles separate the three of them.  I expect Saint Simons will be much like Jekyll and Amelia.

We were planning to drive from Saint Simons to Plains, GA, to attend Jimmy Carter's Sunday School Class while we were in the neighborhood.  The drive is about four hours, which is a pretty large neighborhood.  According to a schedule I viewed six weeks ago, the former President was scheduled to teach on May 27.  However, I just looked at the schedule again and it has changed.  His next appearance is June 10.  We will be home by then.  I regret that.  I was looking forward to attending.  Annie Farkley was, too.

That's all I have for tonight.  The next time you hear from me, we will be on the island.  I'll try to have some more pictures for you.  Goodnight.

1 comment:

BJ said...

Sounds like Atlanta is bad traffic day and night. I suggest a re-route for the trip home.

If you want to hear an presentation of the gospel from an upstanding and godly man, let me know. I happen to live with one, and I think he'd be happy to share his thoughts. :)