Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, October 11, 2019

October 11, 2019. Snow, Cold, Calamity and Beauty.

October 11, 2019.  Snow, Cold, Calamity and Beauty.  We didn't receive the six inches of snow predicted by the weather lady.  It began snowing yesterday afternoon, stopped, then restarted last night  My guess is that there was 1-2 inches on the ground early this morning, not really enough to snowshoe in.  That's good.  We don't have snowshoes.  

The temperature dipped to one degree overnight.  It truly felt like skiing weather when I stepped onto the deck at dawn this morning to shoot some pictures of the lake.  I took several as the day brightened.  I like the one with steam rising from the lake.  I'm not sure how that happens, but it makes an interesting picture.

As I settled in with a cup of coffee to check the morning news and emails, I found one from my auto insurance carrier telling me that my auto insurance had been cancelled for nonpayment of the premium.  What!  Here I am, 900 miles from home with no insurance on the car!!  I can't even drive to the grocery store legally.  I could imagine the condo owner dropping by the condo in 6-8 weeks, finding our starved, emaciated and skeletonal corpses.  Worse, it would be several hours before the agent's office opened.  

So, I waited, skipping breakfast to preserve the few humble bits of food we have left.  At 8:00 AM, I called my office to see if the bill had come after we left home.  No, there was no bill from the insurance company in my in-box.  I then called the insurance agent.  It turns out that the insurance company had sent the bill to our residence where we get no mail.  All our mail comes to the office.  Why, I asked.  For 20 years, the bill came to me at the office.  She wasn't sure.  The company had made some recent changes in billing addresses and she didn't know why.

I asked her the amount of the bill and I asked her to send our current insurance cards to me electronically.  She said she would and she did.  I payed the bill online and woke Annie so we could go to the grocery store.  Starvation was too real for me and I wanted to lay in food supplies in the event of another calamity, natural or the result of a mistake by one of my creditors.  

dressed to ward off the cold and went to Office Max to print the insurance card from my phone.  We were near the Outlet Mall and thought it a good idea to take our daily walk there so we could duck into a store if the weather got too brutal.  While walking I took several pictures of the snow-covered mountains surrounding Dillon.  

There, you have it; Snow, cold, calamity and beauty.  It has been a full day.  And, now that I have told you about it, as press secretary C. J. Cregg used to say on The West Wing television show, it's a full lid.  



Fred said...

Do you enough warm clothes?

BJ said...

Everything is so beautiful. I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves!