Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019. Dillon, Fairplay, Middleton Cabin and Colorado Springs.

October 15, 2019.  Dillon, Fairplay, Middleton Cabin and Colorado Springs.  I know, I know, it has been several days since I've checked in with you.  I can explain.  We didn't do anything other than walking along the lake.  You have seen most of the sights on that trail, although I have added a few more today not because they are novel or new.  Rather, I have included them because they are interesting or depict beauty in nature.  One shows aspen leaves without their golden hue after the snow last week.  

We pulled out of Dillon this morning.  The fastest route to Colorado Springs is via I-70 and I-25.  I eschewed the interstates and took the blue highways to the Springs.  Our oldest daughter suggested we spend some time in Fairplay.  It is another of those quaint mining towns which has preserved much of its history.  The legacy of independence exhibited by miners a century and a half ago continues today.  One of the photos above shows teachers marching and protesting for higher pay.  

On our first trip to Colorado in 1974 we spent several nights at the Middleton cabin near Divide.  Our travels took us by there today.  Fred and Anna will recognize it, although it has been enlarged.  I wonder if the cabin is still in the Middleton family?  A trailer has been added to the site.  I didn't show you that.  It detracts from the serenity of the cabin site.  Look carefully and you'll spot the outhouse on the left side of the picture.  In 1974 we carried buckets of water from the creek, used kerosene lanterns and meditated in the outhouse.  I guess a lot can change in 45 years.     

We are now in a three bedroom split level home in Colorado Springs.  We don't have a plan for exploration yet.  But, we will find something to do.  We always do.  



BJ said...

You sure do have an eye for beauty!

ct said...

The Olympic Training Center is pretty cool in Colorado Springs.