Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Saturday, October 5, 2019

October 5, 2019. Frisco, Colorado.

October 5,  2019.  Frisco, Colorado.  One of the reasons we selected Dillon as our home for two weeks is that it is central to six or seven ski areas.  Yesterday, we toured Vail and Frisco.  We didn't spend much time in Vail.  If there is a central business area, we couldn't find it.  We drove around a bit, then backtracked to Frisco.  
Frisco did not disappoint.  Its current population is about 3000 residents.  It was chartered in 1879, although trappers and prospectors inhabited the area for 60 years prior its chartering.  The Frisco Historical Park and Museum occupies an entire city block and features original historic structures.  The second Frisco school stands on the site of its original construction.  It was designed to be a tavern, but never operated as one.  Within a year of its construction, 1901, it was purchased by the school district and used as a school until 1963.

The park also displays a log chapel, a trapper's cabin, a ranch house and Frisco's only jail.  The jail was originally constructed in 1881 and contained 4x7 foot cells.  The rest room in the one remaining cell consisted of a rusty pail.  I wouldn't want to spend much time there.

The park has eleven original structures.  We wandered from building to building.  Each has a video or audio relating its history and prior occupants.  The school house has a miniature model of the town of Frisco from the 18th century.  It was an interesting 90-minute walk down history lane.  

Today, we spent some time at the Silverthorne Outlet Mall.  We weren't actually shopping, we were walking and the Mall provided the sidewalks.  We did enter a few stores.  Shopping with Annie Farkley is not something I relish.  Annie is careful and meticulous in all she does.  Shopping is no exception.  

In the grocery store we have to check the "sell by" date on every item that goes in the cart.  We (she) reads the small print on every container or package.  I, on the other hand, stroll down the aisles cavalierly tossing processed foods into the cart.  Should there be a brief separation in the store, as soon as we are rejoined, she looks in the cart, instantly spotting the junk I've put in.  Whatever I added to the cart, she takes out.  She then pulls out her magnifying glass so she can read the small print.  When she returns the item to the cart, she looks at me with sad eyes, shakes her head and walks away.  You have not shopped if you haven't shopped with Annie.  

Tomorrow is another day.  Tonight there is no plan for tomorrow.  Life is good.  



BJ said...

Everything looks so beautiful!

ct said...

I tried to comment yesterday, but I guess it didn't go through. My comment was this: Idyllic.