Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 12, 2017. A Typical Day.

October 12, 2017.  A Typical Day.  You have been wondering what a typical day is like for us on the road.  You really haven't.  You have more important stuff going on in your life than to wonder about us.  But, let's pretend you have been wondering.  Cause, if you don't, I have nothing for you.

So, we get up; me early, her not so much.  When our heads clear of sleeper's smog, she asks, "What are we doing today?"

Me:  "I don't know, what do you want to do?"

She:  "That's not fair.  I asked you first."

Me:  "Well, you have that card that you were going to write to your aunt."

She:  "You are right.  We need to do that.  Then, we need to go the post office to mail it."

Me:  "We could drop it off at the front desk.  They will give it to the postman when he delivers the mail."

She:  "I don't want to do that.  What if the desk misplaces it or forgets to give it to him.  No, we should take it to the post office, just to be safe."

Me:  "The post office is a mile from here.  We could walk and get some exercise."

She:  "That's not a bad idea, Knucklehead.  Let's work on the card together so we can get it done sooner.  Now, what should I say?"

And, so it goes.  An hour later we are finished with the six-sentence card.  We walk to the post office, looking at the foliage as we walk..  We mail the card and walk back, eating lunch at Gordi's on the way.  We return to the condo, pick up the iPad, crack a book and look at Loon Mountain off the balcony as the light changes.  One or both of us nod off as the afternoon turns to evening.  That's a day.  Not a big day, but it's a day.  It's a good day for a couple of septuagenarians with not much else to do.

Now, aren't you sorry you agreed to pretend with me?



BJ said...

But some of us HAVE been wondering!!

Unknown said...

If every day is like that, you should fully retire and do this year round!

Angie said...

I love the term, Septaugenarian. Would that make me a Qujadrogenerian?