Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017. To Manchester, to Shop We Go.


October 16, 2017.  To Manchester, to Shop We Go.  Manchester is about an hour down Highway 7.  It is the home of many outlet stores and the anchor store of The Orvis Company.  Orvis was founded in Manchester by Charles F. Orvis in 1856 as an outdoor sporting goods retailer.  I've purchased a few shirts there over the years.  The shirts are comfortable, they wear well and they are expensive.  I guess you get what you pay for.

Annie Farkley is an unreconstructed, determined, hard-charging shopper.  I knew that before I asked her to marry me.  When we were 18, she and I went shopping at the Landing.  She was looking for a sweater.  She must have looked at and handled 1000 of them before she found the perfect one.  I stood with her at the racks and shelves until my feet ached.  I found a chair while she continued without me.  I walked around the store, then returned to the chair.  We went from store to store.  I personally saw 50 sweaters that would have been just fine.  But, "just fine" wasn't and isn't good enough for Annie.

Three hours and $35.00 (that was a long time ago) later, she had the perfect sweater.  I can still see it.  It was a dark green cardigan with dangly buttons down the front.  I would have been in and out of the store in 15 minutes with a fine sweater in my shopping bag.

Today, I found nothing in Orvis but Annie found a poncho that she liked but didn't buy.  We had lunch and then went to a shoe store and Talbot's.  I bought a pair of shoes, just like the last six pairs I have bought over the last ten years or so.  Annie didn't find the perfect pair of shoes, so she bought nothing.  She did buy some pants at Talbot's sometime during my third nap in the comfy chairs they set out for fatigued husbands. 

I was about ready to head back to the condo when she asked, "Should I buy the poncho at Orvis?"

I gave her a look.  We had been at the Orvis store for over an hour.  I thought, "If you wanted it, why didn't you buy it when we were there?"  I didn't say that, of course.  I may not be the brightest bulb in the room, but I know when not to say something really stupid.

"Of course, sweetheart.  We can go back."

"Will you look at it with me?" she asked.

"Sure, darling, I will look at it."  So, back we went.  I looked at the poncho and told her that it looked nice on her.  Then I found a chair while she tried it on.  A short nap later, she had it in a bag with a sales receipt and we were on our way home.

Two hours after arriving home, I was working on the pictures you see above.  She looked at me and asked, "Can we go back to Manchester tomorrow?"

"Why, is there something else you want to buy?"

"No, I think I want to return the poncho.  I didn't really think it was the right one, but you made me buy it."

Tomorrow should be interesting.  And, that's why I love her so much.


1 comment:

BJ said...

Te he he he. She is well worth the fuss. And that may be one of the best photos I've seen of the two of you. I dig the hat!