Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, October 13, 2017

October 13, 2017. Lincoln, NH, to Mendon, VT.

October 13, 2017.  Lincoln, NH, to Mendon, VT.  On travel days, there usually isn't much to tell you.  Today is no exception.  We saw some big mountains, some pretty trees, some churches with towering steeples, several covered bridges and two towns called Woodstock; Woodstock, New Hampshire and Woodstock, Vermont.  You were probably thinking about the more famous Woodstock in New York where the iconic rock festival was held in the late 1960s.  No, Woodstock is a common name for communities in New England.  The two covered bridges shown above are in Woodstock, Vermont. 

We will be here for six days.  I hope to have something thoughtful or educational for you in that time.  But, not today. 


1 comment:

BJ said...

Well, I learned that Woodstock is as common a name as Jones. I feel educated enough.