Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Thursday, October 18, 2018

October 18, 2018, Ho-hum, More R & R.

October 18, 2018,  Ho-hum, More R & R.  The last couple of days have been relaxing, but not terribly exciting.  We stayed around the condo on Tuesday and did a little walking.  The pictures show our proximity to Silver Dollar City and the hilly terrain here.  

Yesterday, we spent several hours at the Tanger Outlet Mall, walking the entire horseshoe shape of the mall.  I was looking for a lightweight windbreaker so we entered every outlet which carried men's apparel.  I was abysmally unsuccessful.  If nothing else, we did walk several miles in the pursuit.  The mall still showed some summer color with roses and pansies which belie the season.  

We drove to Table Rock State Park, a place we have stayed several times in Harvey.  One of the things we enjoyed while camping in the fall was the Halloween decorations.  Campers, it seems, have a lot of fun decorating their campsites during the holidays.  Halloween is a favorite.  Here are several of the sites where campers were celebrating the season.  It was nice to see them.  It took us back to when we, too, were campers.  We both miss that.  

We have been watching the sunsets off our deck each evening.  The sky shows varying colors depending upon the cloud cover.  In addition to a streaked red sky, we spotted a doe and a fawn grazing beneath our deck.  It was beyond dusk when I took the picture.  Because of the low light conditions, my picture of the fawn was too blurry to use.  With some editing, the doe shows up pretty well. 

Tonight, we have dinner reservations at Top of the Rock, a well-recommended restaurant owned by Johnny Morris and adjacent to the Big Cedar Lodge.  There is a nature trail and museum which features the geological characteristics and history of the Ozarks.  Sundown is celebrated by a bagpipe solo and Civil War cannon discharge.  

I didn't get to this last night, so I can't say goodnight.  


1 comment:

BJ said...

Wish we were still there!!