Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Sunday, October 7, 2018

October 7, 2018. Rain, A Movie, Mexican Food and a Rainbow.

October 7, 2018.  Rain, a Movie, Mexican Food and a Rainbow.  Yes, I still have a pulse.  It rained here most of yesterday.  At times, there was a deluge.  There are two boats in the first picture above.  The rain was so heavy at the time, you can barely discern their form.  They were about a quarter of a mile from our deck.

In another picture, you see a man and woman in a bass boat, wearing rain gear.  They disappeared shortly after I took the picture, seeking shelter in an empty slot in the boat dock.  In yet another picture, you can see water rushing off the roof of the dock and splashing into the lake.

Today, we saw “A Star is Born.”  The movie is getting a lot of Oscar hype.  It stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga.  Both deliver outstanding performances.  Cooper doubled as the movie’s director.  I was surprised by Lady Gaga.  Not only is she a talented vocalist and instrumentalist, she is an excellent actor.  Cooper is not only an excellent actor, he has a distinctive, well-trained singing voice.  I didn’t know that about either of them.  The only negative is the overuse of language many will find objectionable.  That said, it is not my kind of movie.  I am more of a cowboy/comedy/history kind of movie-goer.  

Tonight marks our seventh night here.  We move on to Table Rock Lake on Friday.  I am not sure what else we will find to do here between now and then.  Annie doesn't want to rent a boat and go out on the lake.  I am not sure I do either.  We didn't bring fishing gear or the bicycles.  This area is too hilly for recumbent bikes, anyway.  And, I finished the only book I brought with me.  Here's an idea.  We could go to a bookstore.  That would give us an excuse to get off the island and it would provide me something to read when we return.  Yes.  That's a good idea.  We will do that.  


1 comment:

BJ said...

It is a rough life you guys lead. :)