Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, October 18, 2019

October 18, 2019. Garden of the Gods and Manitou Springs.

October 18, 2019.  Garden of the Gods and Manitou Springs.  There is a street in Colorado Springs named Banjo.  That is my nickname for my second daughter.  Over the years, I have included names or nicknames of my other daughters, so I thought it was time for Banjo to make her appearance.  

Today, we traveled to Garden of the Gods and Manitou Springs.  We first saw both in 1974, on our first trip to Colorado.  Neither has changed much.  There is a little more glitz in Manitou Springs and lots more people in Garden of the Gods.  There in a new Visitors and Nature Center at the Garden.  The rocks look pretty much the same as they have for the last 30,000,000 years.  

Native Americans passed though the area about 1300 BC.  In the 1600s, Spanish explorers and trappers passed through the area.  In 1879, Charles Perkins purchased about 500 acres that included a portion of today's Garden of the Gods.  When he died in 1909, his will directed his children to give the land to the city of Colorado Springs with the provision that it would be a free park for all to enjoy.  

The more distinctive rock formations have names: Kissing Camels, The Three Graces, Balanced Rock and Ship Rock to mention a few.  It is a nice destination with trails enabling tourists to get close to the formations.  And, the price is right.  

Old Manitou Springs is another tourist attraction.  It began in the 1870s as a scenic health resort advertising healing spring water which was discovered by the Ute Indians.  They had been drinking the healing spring waters for centuries.  People still drink it for it's healing powers.  And, it is free.  There is a main street that leads to the road up Pike's Peak.  The street is lined with one-story buildings now occupied by retail stores, boutiques, candy shops and art galleries.  

That's it from Colorado Springs and its surroundings.  We are entering our last week on our fall Colorado exploration.  It has gone fast.  I am sure the next week will go fast, too.  



BJ said...

It’s been slow as molasses from where I sit.

Angie said...

Yes, it is about time Banjo makes an appearance!