Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Beginning!

We are off! After a one-day delay cleaning the sewer backup in the basement, Malachi and Annie Farkley, Motorcycle Joe, Leah, Lily and the portapotty are ready to depart for Alaska. Malachi holds walking sticks donated by Grandson Miles. The sticks are more suited to a 5-year-old boy than Malachi. Annie, sporting her new Madeline hat, clicks two sticks together to ward of the bears and moose.

Motorcycle Joe belongs to The Cobb Boys and is along for the ride. Likewise for the Thurmond's Leah, a Pug. Lily is Hanna Montana's friend who has apparently been taught to play basketball by the Tourtillott girls. Oh yes, the stylish glasses were donated by the Bradleys and Seewoesters. The portapotty is Casey's effort to get back at us for forcing her to use the Tommy Tepee oh so many years ago. Funny girl, that Casey. It came as only one of many travel gifts assembled by the girls, primarily Angie.

Day one on the road ended in Tea, South Dakota at the Red Barn Campground. That's the red barn in the background of the second photo. The barn is actually a shed. However, that's the only thing oversold about this campground. Everything else is as advertised.

Depending on the route chosen, we may cross over into Canada tomorrow. Annie favors the interstate, Malachi, the road less traveled. If Annie prevails, we will rest upon the ground of another nation tomorrow night. If Malachi wins out, no one knows where we will be, least of all Malachi. Ah, but that's the allure of a less-traveled road.

1 comment:

BJ said...

Buster feels severely under-represented.

He needs, he needs....