Soldotna to Homer Spit, May 29, 2011. Harvey had a light day today. We drove about 90 minutes down to Homer. The scenery is, as usual, beautiful. Bounded by Cook Inlet on the west and several rivers on the east, the highway provides an amazing panorama of the Alaska Range across the inlet. We turned out at Ninilchik, a tiny fishing village on the inlet. Ninilchik must be Russian because there is an Orthodox Russian church there. There is also a mysterious house on stilts built into the side of the hill. It reminded me of the house on the hill above the Bates Motel in the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "Psycho." The stream feeding into the inlet was rimmed with fishermen and fisherwomen.

One of the local bush pilots demonstrated his skills for us, dipping to 40 feet above the water along the shore of the inlet. It allowed for this interesting photo of the plane in a no parking zone.

Today was eagle day along our route. We saw at least six in various activities. One was nesting alongside the highway. I turned around and got a couple of shots out the window of Harvey. If you enlarge the picture, you can see a piece of carrion in its mouth. I assume he\she was feeding a newborn. As we approached Homer, there is an overview of the inlet, Homer Spit and many sitting and soaring eagles. The two in the tree fooled me. At first I thought they were real. However, they remained so motionless, that I concluded they were decoys, put there by the local tourism group to cause motorists to stop and look. Annie thought that was a ridiculous theory. One of the two flew away confirming her assessment of my theory. There are few sights as majestic as a soaring eagle. With fixed wings and silent, effortless flight, their keen eyes survey the earth for their next meal. I watched with a sense of awe and pride in this great country.

We will catch a charter boat at 7:00 in the morning and try to land some halibut and king salmon. Ours is a "combo" outing in which we will fish for both. Many of the charters focus on one or the other. We chose one which gives the opportunity for both. The limit is 2 halibut and one salmon. The catch, if there is a catch, can be flash frozen and shipped to Kansas City. Wait for tomorrow's report.

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