Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Monday, June 13, 2011

At-las-ka home! June 13, 2011

Kansas City, home, June 13, 2011.  We departed North Platte, NE, at 6:30 this morning, anxious to get home today.  We drove through rain, glorious green Nebraska fields, roads flooded by the Missouri River and photographed more - if you haven't noticed, my favorite - dilapidated barns.  We made a side trip through Syracuse, NE, to see the world famous Mustang Motel.  We arrived home at 2:30 this afternoon, unloaded Harvey and posed the toys for a final photograph on Angie's rock.  I then shaved the month-long growth on my face. I ruined a perfectly good razor in the process. 

By the numbers, we traveled 7,950 miles in 32 days;  That's an average of nearly 250 miles per day.  We spent 157 hours driving; an average of nearly 40 hours per week.  We took nearly 1800 photographs, a small percentage of which you've seen.  However, you have seen the best of the bunch.  Harvey returned an average of 14.5 miles per gallon.  The cheapest gas was in St. Joseph, MO, today at  $3.51 per gallon.  The most expensive was in Dawson City, YT, at $5.99 per gallon.

We often stayed in places which charged nothing for the night, like Fred Meyer and Walmart parking lots.  State and national parks averaged about $15 a night.  Private campgrounds averaged about $32 per night.  Accommodations included electric, water, sanitary station and, in a few, cable television.  We saw scores of buffalo, dozens of moose, half a dozen bears, scores of eagles and several foxes.  We caught over 100 pounds of fish and shipped 42 pounds home for a family fish fry. 

It was a wonderful trip, one that was in the planning stages for two years including the purchase of Harvey in March of last year.  We enjoyed the travel, the sights, the smells, the fishing, the camping and the pleasure of each others company.  But, now it is good to be home near hearth and family.  Thank you, Lord.  Life is good. 

A man that doesn't love this life is crazy.  

Goodbye, family and  friends. 

The Farkleys

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