Haines, AK, Day 3, June 5, 2011. An atypical day, this was. After 22 days of driving, this Sunday morning we rested. And, after hours of vacillation, we tossed Skagway to the wolves and opted to view the old movie set from the 1991 film, "White Fang." The movie was, of course, based upon the Jack London novel of the same name.
First things first: We found a tasty little bakery just down the street from the campground. A sticky bun and a blueberry and rhubarb hobbit later, we drove to the Chilkat State Park, 10 miles south of Haines. The road to the park might have challenged the daring-do of Evil Knevil. It was washboard gravel with a 14-degree decline around a series of 90-degree turns. The road was so scary that it took Annie's mind off the bears for a while.
We climbed back up the scary hill from the park and found a place to park along the inlet. A dozen or more boats were slowly trolling for king salmon. We sat for more than an hour watching the boats and soaring eagles.
Tomorrow, we board the ferry for Bellingham and the lower forty-eight. I do not know whether I will be able to get a cell signal on board the ferry. If not, this may be the last post until we get to Bellingham. If you don't hear from me, I haven't forgotten you. I just can't reach you at the moment. But, I am still thinking about you.
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