Tok, AK, June 1, 2011. You have to be quick on your feet to do this Alaska touring. We began the day by doing laundry. I wanted you to know what an enormous domestic helper I am, thus the picture above. Valdez was socked in by a thick fog this morning. So, we decided to move on.
Today's plan was to drive to Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and camp there last night. The driving part of the plan was frustrated by frequent construction delays and long stops by native flagwomen. Ramona, the nice lady shown above, said her family lives in the National Park and that she was raised there on a horse farm. We told her we would look for her house at mile 12 on the Nabesna Road in the park. We forgot.
We arrived at the park after the ranger station closed. It was our intention to stay at a campsite located at mile 16.6. A very well-informed lady at the visitor's center in Tok had recommended that site to us when we passed through last week. As we began our trek up the Nabesna Road, the road conditions got progressively worse. We started on a hard surface which became gravel, then dirt, then soft dirt. The road got more narrow as we ascended. As the trees got smaller, we were exposed to beautiful vistas of the Wrangell Mountains.
But, when we arrived at mile 16.6, there was already an RV there. It was a beautiful site. It looked over a lake toward the mountains. It was level, it was perfect and it was taken.
There are very few camping sites along the Nabesna Road. We looked at another at mile 17.8, Dead Dog Hill Rest Area. I wanted to stay there just because of the name. Annie vetoed that, so we moved on again. There were no other sites like the one at mile 16.6. So we came back down the mountain and drove into Tok where we will spend the night. Phooey, I really wanted to stay in the park. But, as I said, you've got to be flexible in Alaska. If we are anything, we are flexible.
Our new plan for tomorrow is to cross back into Canada and camp at Kluane Lake, the largest lake in the Yukon. From there, it will be an easy one-day drive back into Alaska to Haines, where will board the ferry on Monday.
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