Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Saturday, October 14, 2017

October 14, 2017. Stuffed French Toast and Thundering Falls.

October 14, 2017.  Stuffed French Toast and Thundering Falls.  We had breakfast this morning at Sugar and Spice Restaurant.  It is situated in an old barn-like structure on land once owned by General Edward Hastings Ripley who earned his rank during the Civil War.  He led the first federal troops into Richmond as the Confederacy collapsed in April, 1865.  After the war, he was a successful farmer, banker and miner (granite and marble).  The restaurant serves maple syrup harvested locally.  The stuffed French toast was good and the gift shop was well stocked.  

After breakfast, we toured the ski area at Killington, VT, not far from our condo.  Among the activities recommended by the condo owner was a short hike to Thundering Falls.  After wandering about a bit trying to find the trail, we located the parking lot near the trailhead.  Traffic on the trail was light as we sauntered up to the falls.  Annie spotted what she thought was a heart-shaped cloud along the way.  You can be the judge of that.  Thundering Falls is said to be the sixth highest waterfalls in Vermont.  

The leaves are falling here.  The peak, at least at this altitude, is past.  There is still a lot of yellow, orange and red colors in the forests, but the tree tops are starting to look bare in many places.  Tomorrow, we'll drive to Weston to the Vermont Country Store and to Manchester, both places we've enjoyed on earlier trips.  Perhaps, at lower altitudes, the trees aren't leaving yet.  We'll see.  



Unknown said...

I beat B.J. to a comment!👏👏👏I wish I had stuffed French toast with real maple syrup this morning!

ct said...

The waterfall/river photo looks like a painting.