Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15, 2014. Lewiston, NY. Four Mile Creek State Park.

October 15, 2014.  Lewiston, NY.  Four Mile Creek State Park.  We are back in Four Mile Creek for the third time.  Four Mile Creek is one of the largest campgrounds in New York.  It is located within spitting distance of Niagara Falls and rests on Lake Ontario, just down the Niagara River from the Falls. We like it because it is quiet and peaceful.  At least, it is this week.  Last weekend, they had over five hundred campers here, according to the park ranger who checked us in. 

It is about 200 miles from Port Huron, where we were last night, to Four Mile Creek State Park.  The park is located just outside of Lewiston, the first US town after the Canadian/United States checkpoint.  Because it was a short drive across the province of Ontario today, we arrived here about 1:30.  Our campsite backs up to Lake Ontario.  We sat up our comfy stuffed chairs facing the lake and snoozed for a while.  On a clear day, Toronto is visible across Lake Ontario.  Not so today.  It is too hazy.  But, it was a nice afternoon of doing nothing. 

We will be here tonight and the next two.  Then, we will move toward Vermont.  We could drive it in a day easily enough.  I don't know that I want to.  Let me resay that;  I am not sure Annie wants me to sit behind the wheel that long.  She worries so.  I don't know why.  Well, yes, I do.  She worries because she is a worrier.  She worries about me because I cause it.  But, if it wasn't me, it would be someone or something else.  At least, with me, she can see the effects of her worrying.  My hair is turning gray and my eyelids are beginning to quiver.  You would think the worrying would affect her.  It doesn't.  She thrives on it.  But, she is turning me into an old man. 

The "I heart NY" sign is located just after the checkpoint.  I photographed it for Lauren.  She told Annie that she wanted an "I heart NY" tee-shirt from this trip.  Annie is too frugal to buy a tee-shirt, so she made me take the photograph.  Maybe Lauren's mom can print it off on a sheet of paper and safety-pin it on an old tee-shirt for her.  Annie didn't get rich by foolishing away her money, you know. 

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