Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014. Quiz Results.



October 19, 2014.  Quiz Results.  The results are in and the winners are the Thurmond children!  The Tourtillotts and Cobbs tied for second.  The Thurmonds win $20 and the Tourtillotts and Cobbs share $25. 

Everyone got these correct:

1.  Storm water grate.


3. Birdhouse.

4. Dandelion.

5. Trash Receptacle.

6. Playground Telephone.


8.  Red Fox.

9.  Water Fountain.

10.  Bike Rack.

The hard ones were number 2 and number 7.  The Cobbs and Tourtillotts thought number 2 was a bench and porch swing, respectively.  The Thurmonds correctly identified it as deck rails.  Everyone missed number 7.  The Cobbs said "shower door."  The Tourtillotts said "barn door\window".  The Thurmonds said simply "door".

Everyone was on the right track.  However, no one got it exactly right.  It is a sliding door on a trash dumpster. 

That's it for this quiz.  Maybe there will be another.  We will see.  Thank you for participating. 

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