Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014. Manchester Center, VT.

October 20, 2014.  Manchester Center, VT.  Manchester is in southern Vermont.  We have stayed here the last four years because there is a campground which is above average.  It is also open, whereas most campgrounds are beginning to close for the winter.  The plan was to move over to Portsmouth, NH, tomorrow.  Then, we called three campgrounds and found them all closed.  We were looking for a commercial facility because we want to watch the first game of the World Series.  We need a place with cable hookup to do that.  So, we cancelled our Portsmouth plan and will stay here another night.  We will travel a short distance to the Vermont General Store tomorrow, then travel a few back roads to see what we can see.  If I see something I think you would like, I'll bring you a picture.  How's that? 

We began the day with sub-freezing temperatures.  The faucet outside the RV dripped overnight.  There were droplets of ice which formed on the grass.  We then had breakfast at one of our favorite eateries, The Little Rooster Café.  We then took in the sights around Manchester, some in T-Harvey, some on foot.  We closed out the day by visiting the Southern Vermont Arts Center.  Unfortunately, the Center is closed on Mondays.  So, we photographed a few of the outside sculptures.  The last one came from the SVAC's web page. 

Annie is pushing me to finish this so she can convert my chair into the murphy bed.  I may not be the brightest bulb in the room, but I know the pecking order here.  I am the peckee - yes, that is a legal term.  So, I'll quit before I get pecked.  I'll be back when my continued blatherings don't expose me to harm.  Goodnight, mate.

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