Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Saturday, January 14, 2017

January 14, 2017. The Great Laptop Crash of 2017.

January 14, 2017.  The Great Laptop Crash of 2017.  Did you miss the blog last night?  I hope you missed it because that tells me that someone actually reads this thing. I didn't do a blog last night because my laptop would not turn on.  Tonight it turned on but using it is a struggle.  Among other things, the tech reinstalled Windows.  I am seeing things I haven't seen before and things I normally use cannot be found.    

Getting to this point involved two trips to the Paradise Computer Repair Shop.  The tech thought it was fixed yesterday.  Indeed, it did turn on in the shop.  But, last night, it would not turn on again.  So, today, we returned it so they could try again.   If I succeed in publishing a blog tonight perhaps I should get the major award. 

Speaking of which, my second daughter won the quote quiz.  I asked where the phrase, "Only the rocks live forever" originated.  She nailed it.  The quote is from the James Michener book, Centennial.   She wants me to believe she remembered it from the book.  That can't be right because she hasn't read the book.  I am convinced that she Googled the quote and found the answer. 

I loaned her the book about fifteen years ago.  She had tried to read it earlier but gave up after reading a few pages.  Michener can be tedious as he lays the geographical background for his stories.  In an effort to encourage her, I put a fifty-dollar bill at page 250 of the book.  I thought if she could get through the first 250 pages, she'd be hooked.  The fifty is still in the book, more than 15 years later.  She says she will read it, but I am beginning to have doubts.  

While we were out yesterday, we went to Virginia's Seafood Restaurant.  The food was passable, but the view was terrific.  We were seated next to an open window so we could watch the pelicans swim and see the dolphins frolic in the water.  I tried to get a picture for you.  The best I could do are the second and third pictures above.  Look to the right of the birds in the second picture and you'll see a speck which is the dorsal fin of a dolphin.  In the third picture, you'll see the same fin peeking over a railing outside our window.  Pretty poor photography, huh.  Well, those dolphins are fast swimmers, you know.

Today, as we waited for the laptop to be fixed - again - we took a ride on the ferry between Port Aransas and Aransas Pass.  The ferry carries vehicles over the quarter-mile stretch of water separating the two land masses.  It might not be as thrilling as Disney World, but we are easily thrilled these days.  

I understand the weather back home is treacherous.  Stay inside if you can.  If not, be very careful.  



BJ said...

Glad you're back!!

Fred said...

1. Car problems, computer problems, and 'not feeling well' on the road, are not fun. We have experienced each in the past year. You long to be home, quickly.

2. For the very reason you outlined, Michener 'laying out the land' in his books is somewhat of a challenge. But once you get past it, the story is wonderful. Our travels through Texas and Alaska have been enhanced by his books.

3. We dodged the bullet with the weather. Minor icing, but the daytime temps rose above freezing both days. No lose of electricity. 50 & 60'd in the forecast.

I echo BJ's comment. You were missed.

Unknown said...

I'm going to try this again from the computer and see if I can comment. . .

Unknown said...

It worked! Guess it will only work if I log onto the computer, not phone. Love the story of Annie's dolphin and love that that has been the biggest story of the day for you!