Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Sunday, January 12, 2020

January 12, 2020. The Storm Passes and We Get Back to the Beach.

January 12, 2020.  The Storm Passes and We Get Back to the Beach.  We have followed the weather back home and know you've had some snow.  The same system which brought snow to you brought heavy winds, rain and tornado watches to the Gulf region.  The weather prognosticators have been warning of danger since the middle of the week.  "Be ready to take shelter - have your safe place ready - always know where your shoes are - it wouldn't hurt to bring your bicycle helmet into the house."  

Annie doesn't like storms, you know.  This condo is designed to withstand hurricane-force winds, but she is worried about a thunderstorm.  "Where is our safe place?" she asked.  

"I don't know, Dear.  Maybe it is the bathtub in the center bathroom.  I'll go get the helmets."

Well, the storm came and went.  We did have some high winds, but nothing like the 50-60 miles-per-hour winds which were forecast.  We had some rain, but no deluges.  The winds did whip the fine sand about a bit.  A picture shows how the sand covered the walkways.  The fine grit gathered in the corners of our eyes.  But, we survived.  

After being house-bound for several days, we drove down the beach to Fort Pickens today.  We also drove through the campground we stayed in in 2013.  It was fun seeing the campers greeting one-another and recalling our time as campers.  

After driving around the campground and fort, we returned to the  beach along the National Seashore  The sand is whiter and finer there.  We saw a fisherperson catch a fish, two surfers waiting for the big wave and grandparents with grandchildren.  And, Annie's collection of seashells continues to grow.  Oh, the lighthouse across the bay is located on the Naval Air Station.  But, you need a Department of Defense ID to get in.  

Our days in this condo unit are drawing to an end.  Wednesday, we move across the parking lot to our next home which will be in a different building in the same complex.  The interior layout will be the reverse of this unit.  Instead of a bay view, we should have a Gulf view.  We will be there for a couple of weeks.

Don't know what tomorrow will bring.  If there's not much fun in it, you probably won't read about it.


1 comment:

BJ said...

Hard to believe you get to nap on command, eat whatever you want, visit the beach whenever you want, pass the time with your bestie, and still consider the possibility that tomorrow might not hold much fun. Sounds like someone is getting rather accustomed to this retired life and forgetting the toils of the working world. Trade ya!