Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, January 24, 2020

January 24, 2020. Cold, Then Nice Again.

January 24, 2020.  Cold, Then Nice Again.  It has been cold for the past several days.  The first picture above shows you how we've had to layer-up to take our walks.  Annie looks like a refugee from Antarctica.  Actually, I was wearing four layers, so I shouldn't poke fun at her.

Our outing yesterday was to Navarre Beach.  While we were in the neighborhood, we stopped at Dewey Destin's again.  We were out of coffee so we stopped by a CVS.  Why CVS you ask.  Well, Annie Farkley is the world's best CVS shopper.  She has a bar code on her key ring and discounts on her phone.  Once inside the store, she goes directly to another machine and sticks her bar code in the slot.  The machine just goes nuts.  It begins spitting out paper like crazy.  It is like a monkey playing with a roll of toilet paper.  By the time it finally stopped, it curled down to the floor and down the aisle.  It must have been 8-10 feet long.  

Armed with her discounts she flies down the aisles.  Before we left the store she had over $100 in products.  When we checked out, she and the clerk decided we owed about $50.  It was the darnedest thing I've ever seen.  You would have been gobsmacked.  

We walked the beach this afternoon.  The temperature rose into the 60s and there were couples sunning.  As we finished our walk, I saw a large kite-like object hovering over the beach.  As we got closer I saw that a man was tethered to the kite and was trying to mount a big skateboard.  The board had wheels on it the size of tricycle wheels.  I watched him struggle with the kite and the skateboard.  Have you ever tried to ride a tricycle in soft fine sand?  I doubt you have, but you can imagine.  The wheels were buried in the sand and the poor guy had traveled about three feet in ten minutes.  I wonder whatever made him think that would work.  

On that note, 


1 comment:

BJ said...

We had a warm front move through here this week, too. The temperature actually moved into the double digits!