Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Monday, January 20, 2020

January 20, 2020. Another Movie, Shaggy's and Joe Patti's Fresh Seafood.

January 20, 2020.  Another Movie, Shaggy's and Joe Patti's Fres
h Seafood.  No excuses.  I have been too lazy to write.  The weather has been nice until today.  It has turned cold and will be below freezing tonight.  The first picture above was taken from our condo looking out at the Gulf of Mexico.  Did you notice how green the grass is?  

We went to the AMC movie theater to see "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood."  Overall, I thought it was good.  It was slow in places and, like any Quentin Tarantino movie, had a lot of language and violence.  Maybe the fact that the movie was set in the 1960s made it appealing to me.  Annie wasn't wild about it.  Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt were superb, I thought.  After the movie, we had an early dinner at Shaggy's Seafood restaurant. 

We've been walking regularly.  The houses and the cross are along Fort Pickens Road.  The cross commemorates the first religious service in the area.  It was conducted in 1559 by a Dominican Friar who accompanied explorer Tristan De Luna.  Luna attempted to establish a colony in the Pensacola area.  However, his supplies were lost in a hurricane and the colony failed.  

On the drive down, I stopped for gas north of Pensacola.  The guy on the other side of the pump was from Ames, IA.  We struck up one of those over-the-pump conversations and I learned that he and his wife would be spending January camping along the coast.  He is a retired farmer and his wife works at Iowa State University.  He asked if we had been to Joe Patti's seafood store in Pensacola.  I told him that we hadn't.  We should go, he said.  So, today, we did.

We bought a pound of fresh royal red shrimp, red potato salad, yellowfin tuna salad and a key lime pie.  Oh, we also stopped at the beignet truck as we left the store.  The dough was made fresh and fed through a small wringer - like the one on your great grandmother's electric clothes washer - and fried in seven-day-old vegetable oil.  Actually, they were pretty tasty, stale oil notwithstanding.  In fact, it may have been the stale oil which made them tasty.  

How 'bout them Chiefs!



1 comment:

BJ said...

Ooh! Maybe we can have beignets at the super bowl party!!