Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Thursday, January 2, 2020

January 2, 2020. Sauntering on the Beach.

January 2, 2020.  Sauntering on the Beach.  The temperature in Gulf Breeze today is in the 70s.  The trade off is that afternoon showers are forecast.  Tomorrow, the forecast is for thunderstorms.  The previous few days had temperatures in the low to mid 60s.  Not ideal, but certainly tolerable.  Especially, when the temperatures at home flirt with zero.  

We walked the beach the past several days.  A few brave souls have entered the chilly waters of the Gulf.  I don't believe the water is warm enough for me to go in.  I might wade but submergence doesn't appeal to me.  Besides, there are sea urchins and jellyfish in that water.  Both can hurt you, you know.  

The last few days have been perfect for a winter vacation.  We have read some, watched bits and pieces of several football games and napped to our hearts content.  The days when we rush from one attraction to another are in our rear-view mirror.  We now view trips as an opportunity to relax, completely relax.  And, we are achieving more than modest success.  

There is nothing really unusual or remarkable about the pictures, above.  They are typical of the many beaches we've walked.  There is a designated dog park here.  The dogs range from small to large.  Dog walkers may have one dog on a leash.  They may have three.  Those who have three sometimes find themselves wrapped up in leashes like a Maypole on May Day.  

You will have noticed that the pace of the blogs has slowed, too.  That's because they involve some work on my part and I have sworn off work.  Work interferes with relaxing.  The advantage for you is that the blog now requires less work on your part.  See, it's a win-win deal.  Don't you love it when that happens?

I meant to publish this last night, but got wrapped up in the CNN program on Linda Ronstadt.  She was my favorite female vocalist in 1968.  Unfortunately, she now has Parkinson's Disease and no longer performs.  But, fortunately, we have her recordings.  She was a generational talent.  

That's it for today.  I'll return later with another thrilling episode of the Farkelys on vacation.  

Good day.  


BJ said...

Not bad. Not bad at all, I say.

Angie said...

You guys need a dog!