Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15, 2012 - Western Massachusetts and Connecticut

October 15, 2012 - Western Massachusetts and Connecticut.  Today is the day of interesting colors and the day I got lost twice.  First the colors:  I experimented with the original pictures on the computer and liked the result. I hope you do, too.

Getting lost can happen to anyone, right?  It even happens to someone who has a GPS on the dash to take him where he wants to go.  Sometimes, it happens to someone with a GPS and an Anniegator - an Annie who sits in the passenger seat with an Atlas in her lap telling the driver where to go, literally and figuratively.  Evidently, neither Massachusetts nor Connecticut welcome vagrants.  They close their campgrounds the first two weeks in October.  So, from the time we started this morning, we were looking for a campground.  Across two states, we had no luck.

So, here's how it happened.  I was operating the GPS while Annie searched the Atlas for a place to stay tonight.  I'd find one on our route and call, only to be told the campground was closed for the season.  I suppose I was distracted and missed a turn.  Within a couple of miles, I discovered that I was no longer on Route 7, so I turned around and went back.

The second time, I didn't notice I wasn't on Route 7 until I had traveled about 20 miles on Route 44.  By then, there was no covering it up.  We passed through Winsted and Annie noticed we were 20 miles from where we intended to be.  It wasn't too serious, at least not as serious as Annie thought it was, because Connecticut is not a big state.  I just made a 90 degree turn and soon, we were back on course.  Finally, about 5:00 PM we found a campground which is open until the first of November.  It even has warm showers as contrasted to the last one.  One cold shower is enough.

We are 85 miles from West Point and we have two days to get there.  So long as I don't miss another turn and drive us to Maine, we should be there, on time.


ct said...

Did you make some alterations to the bottom photo? It looks really neat, but wy is the ground so reddish?

Malachi Farkley said...

It was actually a camera setting. I was shooting for artsy.