Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 20, 2015. A Quiet Day at the Campground.T


May 20, 2015.  The day began with a shower.  I trudged up the hill to the shower house.  Unfortunately, I discovered that the shower operated only with the insertion of a loonie, the Canadian one-dollar coin.  It is called a loonie because it has a depiction of a loon on it.  I didn't have any loonies.  I had toonies -  a two-dollar coin - but no loonies.  So, I returned to T-Harvey and showered there. The shower is large enough for Annie but not for me.  I did manage to turn around in it and get clean. When I exited, I banged my head on the door frame. "Ouch!" said I, or something like that.  Next time, I'll make sure I have a loonie and shower in a stall larger than a coffin.

We walked a hiking trail around the campground before lunch.  The two-mile walk took over an hour because someone kept stopping to take pictures.  I tried to hurry her up, but you know Annie;  anything worth doing is worth doing right. We saw all the usual things you see on a trail; water, flora, fauna, flowers, dog crap, signs and wood carvings.  Actually, Annie didn't photograph the dog crap because it was dog crap.  She photographed it because it was in the shape of a question mark.  Always the teacher.

The afternoon was spent reading and napping in the sunshine.  The temperature was in the low 70s and it was a beautiful day on the island.  I cooked outside tonight.  We had pork chops and they were tasty, if I do say so myself. Tomorrow we will do something equally as exciting.  G'nite mates.


Angie said...

Who taught you to talk like that? I thought is was plop!

Malachi Farkley said...

It took over fifty years for Annie to get me to say "crap".