Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 2015. A Walk and a Trip.

May 25, 2015.  We took a walk around the campground last night and snapped a few more pictures of the sights here.  The Lego-like statue is actually about three feet tall.  It is made of metal and painted colorfully.  We have some grandsons who will appreciate the picture.  Another picture shows the high tide and a kayak paddling upriver.

We have had several discussions over the past few days about when to leave Vancouver Island and where to go from here.  We decided that we would leave tomorrow with stops in Blaine, WA, and Seattle en route to the Pacific coast.  In furtherance of that plan, we made a couple of phone calls to arrange visits with family in those places.

The best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry.  After formulating a plan and acting on it, we decided to call the local Mercedes dealership because the engine warning light has illuminated again and won't go out, no matter what I do.  We drove to the dealership this afternoon and were told there may be nothing wrong and, then again, there may be.  To be sure, they could order parts and install them Wednesday.

It is about 2000 miles from Nanaimo to home.  Much of that distance is barren land with little population or services.  The prudent person would make certain his vehicle was in good shape before beginning that journey.  I am nothing if not prudent.   So, we will stay on the island another two or three days, have repairs made and start the second half of the trip with confidence that we will, eventually, make it back home.

Tomorrow night, we will publish the results of the quiz.  I know, it was a difficult set of pictures.  However, I am sure our "well above average" grandchildren will fare well.

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