Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 21, 2015, Today was Yesterday.


 May 21, 2015.  Today was exactly like yesterday.  T-Harvey didn't move and we stayed at the campground all day.  Aside from a couple of walks, we didn't leave the campsite.  "But, you are on Vancouver Island!" you say.  Yes, we are and we'll get out and about tomorrow.  Neither of us wanted to do anything in particular today, so we didn't.  We didn't do anything at all.  It was a fine day here on the island, temperatures in the mid-70s and bright sunshine. It was a good day to sit in the sun and look to the east, over the river and mud flats to the snow-capped mountains beyond.  As I type this, the tide is in and the still water reflects the mountains against a blue sky.

The vegetation is lush here.  Ferns and flowers offer a variety of colors around the campground.  The maple leaves are enormous.  This area gets 4-5 inches of precipitation each month.  By contrast, western Missouri gets about 3.  On average, it rains every other day here.  The rains aren't heavy, just regular.  The result is that everything is green.

So, tomorrow, we will move to a different campsite, in the forest.  That's why the place is named Living Forest Oceanside Campground.  After a couple of nights in the forest, we'll move back here, to the same campsite.  After relocating, we will go into Nanaimo and bike the parkway for a while.  There is a Cosco here and a Walmart Supercenter.  We may drop by one or both.

Did you know that Nanaimo Bars originated here?  You know what a Nanaimo Bar is, don't you?  They are dessert bars and treats which require no baking.  It consists of a wafer crumb-based layer with custard-flavored butter icing covered with chocolate.  There is actually a Nanaimo Bar Trail here where you can go to different establishments and sample any of three dozen desserts.  No, we won't do them all, but we may visit one or two . . . or three . . . or four.  The first picture is one I borrowed from Wikipedia in case you want to see an example.

So, that's our plan for tomorrow.  I hope your day is as good.

1 comment:

Fred said...

It just doesn't get much better.