Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, May 29, 2015

May 28, 2015. Nanaimo to Grayland, WA

May 28, 2015.  Not so many miles, but lots of hours in Harvey was today.  We left the campground at Nanaimo at 6:45 this morning.  We arrived at Grayland State Park at 7:30 this evening, just in time to take the critters for a walk on the beach.  Yes, that is the Pacific in the distance.  The park has a mile and a half of ocean frontage.

The drive time was necessarily extended due to a massive traffic jam above, in and below Seattle.  We spent nearly four hours covering about 60 miles.  There were times when it was stop and go.  Other times we reached breakneck speeds in the twenties.  If today was typical, I could not live in Seattle.  And, there was a clip on the news last night which announced another 120,000 people will move to Seattle by 2020.  I feel a crush of nostalgia when I reflect back on the rush minute at Ash and Austin in Nevada.

We had lunch with Barb in Blaine, WA.  She suggested a very nice place on the water, Semiahmoo Resort and Spa, which is very close to their home.  She will pick up Emo and Miles tonight at SeaTac airport just south of Seattle.  If she has as much traffic difficulty as we did, it is good that she planned to leave early.

The dog in the picture is Betty Lou, a whippet mix rescued by her owner from the streets of Redding, CA.  The two-year old pup was well disciplined although she took a liking to BJ's green monkey.  She wanted to play with the monkey and her owner had a little difficulty restraining her.  Most of the other pictures are self explanatory, with the exception of the border crossing and Seattle traffic with the skyline and Space Needle peeking out of the right side of the photo.

We will continue to make our way south of here.  However, we may stay another night here.  The campground is nice with the ocean just over the dune behind us. This is the first campground where the area is flat enough to bike around.  On top of that, I am not sure I can get Annie back in her passenger seat for another drive tomorrow.

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