Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22 2015. Nanaimo, BC.


May 22, 2015.  I bring you more of the beauty and color of Vancouver Island today.  We went into town this morning and did some grocery shopping and searched for Nanaimo Bars.  We found success in both endeavors.  We also drove around the harbor and snapped some shots of the water from a scenic drive along the shore.

The afternoon was filled with sitting in our puffy chairs in the forest and reading. We took another walk around the campground and snapped photos of things we hadn't discovered before.  Some of the campsites here are occupied by permanent residents.  They are easily identified by the yard ornaments and the winter proofing of their units.  The colorful flowers continue to startle and amaze.

We understand that the weather will change over the weekend.  Sunshine will be replaced by clouds and rain.  Actually the clouds and rain are more normal here than the sunny days we experienced earlier this week.

And, the Nanaimo bars were delicious.  I liked the fudge bars we purchased at Cabela's.  Annie preferred the traditional bars we acquired at Serious Coffee. Neither disappointed.  All failed to survive past sundown.  I am confident the bars would have been disappointed to have survived longer.

After surveying the parkway, we elected not to ride bikes.  The parkway is hilly and rough terrain.  Our recumbents were not intended for hilly terrain.  That's because the pedals are in front of the rider's hips, rather than below them.  That means that the force propelling the bikes must be generated completely by the rider's legs without assistance from the rider's body weight.  They are fun on level surfaces - not so much on hills.

We will stay a few more days here on the island.  When we leave, we will travel through Seattle visiting family along the way.  It has been nice here.  Neither of us is eager to leave.  But, we will.  There is beauty and additional sights to enjoy in the days and miles ahead.

1 comment:

BJ said...

Looks lovely. Wish we were with you.