Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15, 2015. Wall, SD to Livingston, MT.


May 15, 2015.  Annie and I cranked out 500 miles today through rain and fog.  Banff, AB, and Lake Louise is another day's drive from our campground tonight in Livingston, MT.  We may spend a couple of nights around Lake Louise.  It is among the most beautiful places on earth. 
There is a new and very nice visitor's center just over the Wyoming border on Interstate 90.  The exhibits are interactive.  Annie had a little trouble mounting the steed on display there.  Malachi had less trouble boarding the horse, but then, he has a higher center of gravity.  The bronze cougar and fawns provide a nice accent to the center. 
After nine hours in T-Harvey, we arrived at Osen's RV park.  The critters posed for a photo and we took a walk to compensate for sitting in Harvey so long.   
The engine warning light illuminated again today.  I recalled reading in the manual that sometimes air in the fuel line may cause that result.  The recommended remedy is to start the vehicle 3-4 times in quick succession to "bleed" the fuel line.  So, I tried it.  To my astonishment, it worked.  On the fifth restart, the light was off.  I haven't been a fan of reading manuals.  That seems like cheating to me.  It is a little like an open book exam in college.  It takes all the sport out of solving a problem.  However, I am gaining some respect for that approach.  Every now and then, I have found a gem or two.  Today was one of those times.
Don't worry.  I won't become a manual reader.  I am too much of a sportsman to do that.    However, occasionally, it becomes necessary when a solution doesn't reveal itself through guesswork or intuition.  Still, I feel a little guilty. 

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