Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 23, 2015. More of the Same.


Image result for nanaimo bathtub race history
May 23, 2015.  Another day when we didn't venture out.  We talked about the rest of the trip, cooked out, ate, walked, read and napped.  It was a good day.

Several of the pictures above require explanation; the bathtubs.  Nanaimo has been called the "Bathtub Racing Capital of the World."  In the 1960s, the race was from Nanaimo to Vancouver, a distance of 50 miles.  Later, the race became confined to waters adjacent to Nanaimo.  It appears that, originally, people actually paddled bathtubs in the race.  It quickly evolved to bathtubs mounted on a speedboat frame powered by a gasoline engine.  In the interest of full disclosure, the final two pictures were copied from the Internet.

I found myself wondering if the discarded tub pictured above was just junk or if it is a relic from past races.  I don't suppose I will ever know the answer.

We are not yet sure when we will leave here or exactly where we will go when we do.  When we know, I'll tell you.  For now, we are as much in the dark as you are.

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