Billy Goats At My Door

Billy Goats At My Door

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 26, 2015. The Answers.

May 26, 2015.  The results are in.  The three boys got 9 of 18 correct.  The two sisters got 13/18.  The sister and brother also got 13/18 correct.  So, L & P get $15, E & M get $15 and E, L & B get $10.  Since there was a tie for first, Annie decided to award both teams first place money.  According to her, since there was a tie for first, the other team must have finished second, so that team gets second place money.  Annie is pretty free with her money, I think.  Oh, the answer, "beer booty" should be "bear booty."  However, "beer booty" was a literal transcription from the entry.  I guess it doesn't matter since both answers are incorrect.  But, maybe the three brothers will want to dock their scrivener's pay.

Congratulations to all entrants.  I hope you had as much fun as we did.  That Annie, she has a lot of great ideas, doesn't she?

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